Depreciation Allowances in the Hong Kong Profits Tax

Depreciation Allowances in the Hong Kong Profits Tax

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Hong Kong taxpayers under profits tax are allowed tax depreciation allowances on the expenditure of fixed assets. It is usually given under the condition that these fixed assets were purchased to generate assessable income to the taxpayer.

Nevertheless, under the Hong Kong tax laws, capital expenditure is not deductible when determining an entity’s profits tax liabilities.

Therefore, expenses on capital assets like self-use/rental properties, office furniture and equipment, motor vehicles, computer hardware and software and manufacturing machineries, which are usually considered as capital in nature, are not tax deductible but may be eligible for tax depreciation allowances.

The types of allowances that may be used in the depreciation calculation will be looked at.

Categories of Depreciation Allowances

The forms of depreciation allowances awarded to taxpayers are usually determined by the type of fixed assets acquired. Please find below the basic information as a general reference:

Nature of fixed assetsTypes of depreciation allowances potentially grantedAmount of allowances granted
Properties for self-use/rental purposesCommercial building allowance (CBA) or industrial building allowance (IBA), depending on the nature of the business conducted by taxpayersCBA: 4% of the qualifying expenditure each year (i.e. annual allowance)

IBA: 20% of the qualifying expenditure in the year the qualifying expenditure is incurred (i.e. initial allowance); and 4% of the qualifying expenditure each year (i.e. annual allowance)   (see Note below)
Office furniture and equipment10%, 20% or 30% depreciation allowance pool, depending on the nature of office furniture and equipment acquired60% of the qualifying expenditure in the year of acquisition (i.e. initial allowance)

10%, 20% or 30% of the remaining tax written down value each year since the year of acquisition (i.e. annual allowance)
Motor vehicles30% pool60% of the qualifying expenditure in the year of acquisition (i.e. initial allowance)

30% of the remaining tax written down value each year since the year of acquisition (i.e. annual allowance)
Computer hardware and software, manufacturing machineriesPrescribed fixed assets100% tax deduction in the year of acquisition

Note: These principles for the calculation of the initial/annual allowances are applied for the case that the properties are bought by the taxpayers according to the first-hand situation. The property will be calculated on other basis when it is acquired by second-hand.

Depreciation allowance and Prescribed fixed assets HK

Key Aspects to Consider When Claiming Depreciation

  • Fixed assets purchased under hire purchase financial scheme are also permitted depreciation allowances but with different calculation basis.
  • Tax deduction and allowances are allowed for expenditures on intangible assets, as defined in the specific tax laws and regulations.
  • Disposals/sales of fixed assets might lead to tax implications and consequences, for example, deemed trading receipts and taxable balancing charges.
  • The tax entitlements for the above-mentioned depreciation allowances are subject to certain specific conditions stipulated in the Hong Kong tax laws.

How FastLane Group Can Help

Navigating the complexities of depreciation allowance claims and tax adjustments stemming from fixed asset disposals can be challenging. It’s advisable to seek professional guidance from a tax consultant or lawyer to ensure accurate accounting of tax depreciation allowances and prevent tax disputes with the IRD. Furthermore, working with a knowledgeable local tax advisor can help you leverage various tax allowances and incentives.

In FastLane Group, our consultants who are experienced to the tune of 15 years or more, and who continuously follow suit with the current regulations, are knowledgeable and can advise on applicable tax depreciation allowances. FastLane Group is here to guide you through the complicated and challenging terrain of tax depreciation, and help make sure you follow the correct Hong Kong tax rules. Contact us now.


ang wee chun

Ang Wee Chun

Wee Chun Ang is a seasoned professional with expertise in business expansion, global workforce solutions, accounting, and strategic marketing, backed by a strong foundation in financial markets. He began his career managing high-value FX transactions at Affin Moneybrokers, a subsidiary of Affin Group, and KAF Astley & Pearce, a subsidiary of KAF Investment Bank. During his tenure, he played a pivotal role in setting up FX options desks, achieving significant milestones, including a 300% increase in desk revenue.